How to deal with being cheated on: Decide your future life with your own choices

"My husband cheated on me! It's so painful, what should I do?"
Now that cheating has become a social issue, I often see questions like this on online BBS and other consultation sites. With the spread of mobile phones, the Web, and SNS in modern society, people who want to have an affair can easily find a partner they like on dating sites. Nowadays, the number of people who cheat is increasing rapidly, and the number of people who are worried about being cheated on is also increasing.
So what should you do if you discover that your lover has betrayed you? Generally, the person who has been cheated on has no choice but to choose between continuing the relationship or breaking up. However, once you make a choice, there is no guarantee that you will never be cheated on again. It is not only necessary to make choices for your future life, but also to take measures to live a life free from cheating. It's natural to feel very hurt when your lover, whom you've trusted for a long time, cheats on you, but it's wiser to choose your future path calmly.
This article assumes the options of "not breaking up" or "breaking up" and introduces ways to improve your future love life for those who have been cheated on. We'll show you how to prevent your partner from cheating again without breaking up, or how to live happily ever after.
If you choose not to break up: Improve your relationship with your lover and prevent another affair
Make your lover feel guilty for cheating
If the person you cheated on doesn't feel guilty about their mistakes, they may develop a habit of cheating and cheat on you repeatedly. Therefore, the trick to preventing cheating is to make the cheating lover regret it and realize their own sins.
Recognize and reflect on your own “flaws”
Even the person who was cheated on cannot say that there is no fault at all. If you want to rebuild your relationship and make it last longer than before, it's important to learn from your past romantic experiences. Romantic relationships that are destroyed due to cheating are more fragile than before and difficult to rebuild. If you still want to save your life together, you need to admit your mistakes with your past partner and then move on to your future.
deepen your bond with your lover
Even if your lover doesn't have any desire to have an affair, there is a risk that a cheeky cheating partner will use his experience of cheating to seduce your lover. In order to avoid being robbed of your lover, you need to regularly communicate and communicate the message that ``no one can replace me.'' If that's the case, you won't cheat on your lover even if you feel lonely, and you'll politely decline the invitation.
If you absolutely cannot forgive your lover for cheating on you, breaking up is one option.
If you choose to break up: Get out of the quagmire of being cheated on and seek a happy new life
Clear up your past relationships and minimize the damage caused by cheating
The pain of being cheated on can have a negative impact on future relationships. There are many people who refuse to fall in love with another person ever again because they were cheated on. If you still have high hopes for a future romantic relationship, it's best to settle things with your lover when you break up, never communicate or have any contact again until the two of you have calmed down, and try to forget the pain of cheating as much as possible while you're at it.
Find someone who won't cheat and cherish your next relationship
If your ex-lover cheated on you, why not heal the wound with single-minded love? If your first relationship ended badly because your lover cheated on you, from now on, find someone who won't cheat on you and enjoy your love with someone who is sincere. Of course, happiness in love is not only about being faithful, but there is also the possibility that the two of you will end up having problems other than cheating. In order for your next relationship to go well, learn from your past relationships and become a person with a wealth of love experience.
If you are tired of love, try living alone
Their lives are filled with love between a man and a woman, and they can enjoy the special experience of love, but at the same time they have to resolve various emotional problems. If you have been cheated on, if you are completely bored with your life with your lover and want to regain the freedom of being single, you can give up on meaningless relationships and experience the happiness of being single again.
Make your own choices at the crossroads of love
Do you still want to continue living with that person? Or do you want to break up and start dating someone else? Let's take advantage of the fact that you were cheated on to reconsider your romantic relationship with your lover. After thinking deeply, you decide on a choice you won't regret for your future happiness and start a new life.