How to investigate cheating by tracking mobile phone with GPS

Has your partner been acting suspicious lately, and is he always coming to work even on holidays or working overtime? Are you traveling more frequently than before? Are you getting home later and later and spending less time at home? You can sense that your lover is cheating on you by his suspicious behavior, but since there is no way you can follow him or her, you have no idea where he is going.
When the cheating partner has already gone on a date or went on a trip with the cheating partner, the partner remains suspicious and anxious, unable to gather solid evidence of the affair. If you don't want to spend your days worrying, do a cheating survey! In fact, by installing GPS on your mobile phone, you can know the location information of the other person remotely. If you use GPS to investigate cheating, you can find out where your partner is currently.
So, if you want to track the location of your partner who has a smartphone using GPS, how should you prepare?
Investigate cheating on your partner using two GPS tracking methods
There are two ways to track your phone's GPS yourself: using a small GPS device to track it, or installing a GPS app on your smartphone or other device to track it. Of course, there are many different types of GPS tracking apps.
Other than that, you can also ask a professional detective to conduct an infidelity investigation using GPS rental technology.
GPS apps are more popular because using small devices and detectives can be quite expensive, and it may cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of yen to track down that person.
But is it against the law to use GPS to investigate cheating?
So is it illegal to track your phone with GPS? GPS is a great way to track your partner's location, but if your partner finds out they're being watched, you're probably going to get angry, even if you're not cheating on them. If you want to install such a GPS tracking app on the other person's mobile phone, please be careful about the crime of "unauthorized use of electromagnetic records by unauthorized command." It is illegal to use your partner's cell phone without their permission. Even important people such as family members and lovers may be arrested. This site does not endorse criminal activities. Please check each item at your own risk.
So if you want to install a GPS tracking app on your partner's phone, be sure to get their permission. At the very least, try to convince your partner that you want to protect your partner from danger or that you are concerned about your partner's safety.
So, what types of GPS devices are there?
Even though it is called GPS tracking, the tracking method is different.
GPS logger
A GPS logger is a very easy device that can be installed in your car to record the car's location information and costs about a few thousand yen. Although it is not possible to know the location information in real time, it is possible to find out which route the car took somewhere once it is recovered.
The GPS logger in the photo is "Wireless GPS Logger M-241". If you save the recorded data on your PC via Bluetooth or USB, you can derive it in various formats.
If the partner goes on a date or travels with the cheating partner on the pretext of going on a business trip or working on a holiday, this GPS technology can detect the partner's lies and obtain location information of the cheating partner's place (especially the cheating partner's house). You can put it in.
By the way, there is also a logger for bicycles. However, location information is displayed in real time. The name is "Runtastic Road Bike GPS Cycle Computer".
real time gps
If you install a tracking app on your smartphone, it is equipped with a GPS function that provides real-time location information, so you can see the other person's real-time whereabouts through your smartphone. Some flip phones (especially models for children) are also equipped with GPS functionality. But since it's real-time GPS tracking, you'll need to keep an eye on the map and investigate any cheating.
Real-time GPS tracking is also possible if you turn on "Find My iPhone" on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Also, to use it, you must be connected to the Internet and logged in to iCloud.
By the way, the frequency of real-time GPS location updates is approximately every minute, and the error is approximately several meters. The cost of smartphone tracking apps differs depending on the monthly type or full purchase type.
Convenient anti-theft GPS tracking app (iPhone/Android)
It is originally a GPS tracking/monitoring security app to prevent theft, but it can also be useful in cases of cheating tracking. Through a computer, you can not only obtain the location information of a smartphone with Kerberos installed, but also remotely make calls, view information, record voice, and lock the smartphone. ,
mSpy It can be installed and used on up to 5 smartphones. Compatible with Android 2.2 and later versions. Speaking of the app's price, you can start with a one-week free trial.
After installing this app, you still need to create a user ID and password. You can log in through your PC using the ID and password you created. mSpy Once you enter the web management screen, you can operate convenient anti-theft features.
Also, as mentioned earlier, misuse of GPS tracking tools is strictly prohibited. Of course, you can install an app on your smartphone and then sneak it into your and your partner's house or car to monitor them, but you still need to be careful.
Utilize GPS tracking records as much as possible!
Being able to easily obtain someone's location information using GPS is very convenient, but legally it is not considered evidence of cheating, and it is not very effective when discussing it with your partner. Therefore, simply investigating the opponent's location using GPS is not enough! In that case, use the location information obtained by GPS to collect definitive evidence of the affair, such as photos and videos of the affair. You can conduct more advantageous cheating investigations through GPS investigation records. So, don't take the GPS tracking function lightly and consider it as an option.